ClickCease Downloads Archive - Yvonne Webb - ActionCOACH


How to Win More Customers

5 Ways to Increase Sales Developing Your USP Why You Should Improve Your Sales Process How to Get More Sales Through a Sales Process

Cashflow Template

Download this cashflow template to get your income and expenses and business bank balance in order.

How healthy is your business?

Use my free business health checker to identify where the possible hot spots or pressure points might be in your business.

Create Your Value Proposition

Download the Value Proposition Builder template to help you get clear on these 4 crucial elements: Your Audience – who’s your target market? The Goal – what’s the pain point your customers come to you with that they’re looking to solve? The Tactics – how do you help solve this pain point? The Differentiator –…

Annual Plan

Less than 50% of business owners have a written down plan….and even fewer stick to it! So what is it that holds people back? We find that it’s typically 3 things (1) Finding the Time (2)Having a structure to follow (3) Being held accountable to make it happen.

Marketing Plan

Use my free marketing plan template to easily keep track of your marketing activities.

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