“Fail to Plan – Plan to Fail”

It’s so true!!!

How many businesses have a written plan do you think?

Less than 50%, but very few stick stick to them. Why? They don’t hold themselves accountable.

A written plan is important – when I start to work with businesses many of them say they have a plan in their heads – with the best will in the world its just not going to happen.

We work to understand the wider vision of the business – what does it look like in 3-5 years time. What metrics do we need to consider? What will the turnover look like – what will the structure or org chart look like to support the growth? Where the business goals? If the goals don’t scare you, they are probably not ambitious enough!

Its coming up to that time of year where we work with clients to create a more in depth plan of what 2021 will look like, there might be a few more scenarios to consider as we plan this year, we will be working to make the plans as COVID friendly as possible! Usually we take at least half a day, more with larger or more complex business models, to work up in detail what they want their year to look like. While plans can always change, it doesn’t half help if we don’t know the direction of travel. What we are shooting for!

Once we have something in place the stakeholders are happy with – the next stage is to communicate the ambition to the team. The team will be much more engaged if they feel part of the journey. If they know what the over-arching goal is and the part they are expected to play in achieving that.

If I were to ask all your team members if they could articulate the goals and vision of the company – how many would give me the same answer?