Discipline – to train or develop by instruction and exercise especially in self control.

How well do you do this in business? You know, doing what you know is right rather than what you feel like doing?

Most of us will flock towards doing things we like, so maybe you enjoy the people management side of business, so you spend time there…and maybe neglect doing your paperwork or reports. Or, maybe you are excellent at doing very detailed and specific tasks, but don’t like doing big picture planning, or the marketing plan. Every week in business we have choices to make , of doing what maybe we want or like to do….or what we know we should be doing! Discipline might come easier to some of us than others, but we can work on it! Here are 5 easy things you can do to be more disciplined….

No time? Learn how to manage yourself better – there are loads of time tools out there to help you!

Distracted? This is a biggie – one I am seeing more and more of (and actually links really strongly to the ‘no time’ complaint!) Control what is around you and what you let yourself be distracted by. Remove the distraction, or hide it.

Know yourself – if you are a morning person, get stuck into the biggest ugliest task first (as Brian Tracy would say in the book ‘Eat that Frog’) Do the hard stuff when you have energy.

Plan plan plan! Plan the next day the night before…as Jim Rohn would say “Either you run the day or
the day runs you!” Get ahead and be intentional about what you are going to do.

Be accountable – Get a partner or coach to hold you to account, or join a group that will do the
same. You’ll probably find it harder to let others down than yourself. My clients tell me one of the
things they like best about coaching is accountability.

Whatever it is for you – figure out what prevents you from being disciplined – and take action! Do something that helps move you forward.

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