When did you last took a day off to reflect on your business and have a clarity break?

Clarity breaks are not a new concept. I remember watching the Bill Gates documentary a couple of years ago, where it talks about him having ‘think weeks’ in a cabin in the woods, and he does this once or twice every year. Gates cuts himself off from everything and everyone which includes technology and social platforms. He spends time thinking, reflecting and planning.

It’s the exact same concept for clarity breaks. Uninterrupted time, away from wherever you normally work. A different place, a different space to allow you to think. Somewhere you can be at ease and reflect and plan.

It can be an hour a week, a day a month, or a quarter- or longer! You choose. The important thing is that it’s planned at regular intervals. It’s in the diary, it’s non negotiable.

Every quarter we take our clients out of their business for a full day and do just this, we reflect, we plan the next 90 days. Our clients tell me they enjoy the break from normality as it’s good being somewhere else and getting ‘thinking-time’, and many really enjoy being in the company of other like-minded business owners.

Some choose to do the very same with their teams. If it’s not something you have planned on a regular basis, I’d encourage you to do. Why don’t you get some clarity breaks planned in and figure out what’s gone well and why. What’s not gone so well and why not? What focus on what the business needs to have moving forward?

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