How focussed are you on your business performance?
If I were to ask you what your key numbers look like at the end of the year – would you know what you are shooting for?
Would you have a clear expectation on what numbers are important to you? Maybe your turnover, your GP and NP, your cash forecast and position? Would your team be really clear on what the end goal is…would they know what part they play in achieving this – and would they feel motivated to do it? For many businesses I meet that level of clarity is not there- yet. They may have a notional view of what they hope to do …a notion that ‘feels about right’. But very often there is no substance behind it. We need solid building blocks to get to the end number, to know when and how these building blocks are going to happen, and what we need to do to implement them.
We need to know they are profitable, to know who is going to be responsible for executing them, what additional resources or information we need. This doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by planning, and by involving the right people in that planning.
My clients tell me focus and accountability are two of the key elements which make coaching work for them. As often, we let ourselves down, or let ourselves off the hook first. Think about your language, have you ever heard yourself, or one of your team, say they are going to ‘try’ to do something…they are already giving themselves an out!
Get clear, get focussed on your business performance, and get some accountability that works for you. (see 5 easy easy to be more disciplined in business)
And as a cultural icon once famously said, “Do or do not, there is no try.”