Which of the two P’s could you use to understand your customers better?

Recently I have been helping some of my coaching clients with sales pitches and marketing plans. When talking this through with them, I want them to really think about the perspective of the other person, i.e the person they want to sell or market to. Really take time to put yourself into their shoes.

Think like they think. Feel like they feel.

There are a couple of good ways of doing this, we call it the two P’s. People in your market who have an unmet need, will usually be doing one of these two things..

Either moving away from PAIN

Or moving towards PLEASURE

Your job is to figure out what those pain or pleasure points are. So brainstorm, make a list of all the PAIN points someone might be having. Do you really understand them? For example, if it’s property sales, maybe someone’s pain points are not enough storage space, lack of outdoor space, only one bathroom and they have a big family!

Or in car sales someone’s pleasure points might be how a brand new car makes them look or feel, or how much comfort it gives them driving around in heated leather seats! These are silly examples to land a point. In your marketing or sales positioning are you REALLY taking into account your customer pain or pleasure points in your content….or are you trying to sell them something you think they should buy?

Have a think about it from the customer lens and see what tweaks you can make!

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