I was talking to a client a few weeks ago who had concerns about the volume of work they had in the pipeline… that there wasn’t enough activity.

The phrase I used with this client was ‘displace worry with activity’, get busy doing stuff. Where has business come from before? Look back and see where the business comes from and let’s gets REALLY busy on doing those activities. Taking massive actions. Much more than before is a good thing to be doing when things are looking a bit light, or a bit dry. This client threw themselves into targeted activity and had checklists and targets to ensure their activity levels were being stretched.

It focuses the mind, we take action and it moves us forward.

I spoke with the same client this week, they are having some concerns about the volume of work they have now in the pipeline- too much!!!! This is a direct result of replacing worry with activity….and isn’t that a nicer problem to have?

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