So, how systemised is your business?

Systems run the business.

People run the systems.

You manage the people.

We would suggest anything that you do on a regular basis should be systemised. This might be your recruitment process, is there a file somewhere that has everything you need to bring on a new starter, from: where you will recruit, job specification, to salary bands. Do you know what your interview stages look like. Is it one or two? Group interviews, or individual? Do you have the interview question template ready so that you can just pull it up at any time?

Clearly there is a lot more we could talk about there, and I picked recruitment – but it could be any part of your business. How you answer the phone, what your sales process is, how you order new kit… etc.

The more we can get these systems in place the better. Not only do people then know how things are done round here. It also means if anyone needs to off or away for some time, someone else can easily pick up where they left off.

Having systems in business also means when you come to exit at any point, that it’s a more attractive proposition for a potential buyer and you will get a higher valuation.

So how systemised is your business, and what might you want to look at?

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