A really common comment I get when people are talking about their business is that they haven’t got time. Usually because they aren’t prioritising.

This is often the place I start with clients. It’s not that they haven’t got time…they are not MAKING time. They are prioritising other things. Often things which they shouldn’t be doing at all- someone else should be. Or they are things that are someone else’s urgent thing. Or they simply haven’t prioritised whats on their to-achieve list.

Ideally we want to get people to a stage where 20% of their working week is spent working on tasks which will benefit their FUTURE business rather than doing the day to day.

So, I have a challenge for you. My challenge is this…look back at your diary for the last week. What did you have on? What did you do that someone else could have done (either in house or outsourced) What meetings did you have that you didn’t need to go to. What meetings did you have that you could have shortened? If you were to live that week over again – what percentage of time could you carve back ?

That’s time you could have been working on stuff that your future business would thank you for!

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