One tool we use when we talk about marketing or lead generation is the Buyers Pyramid.

This states that at any given point in time, only around 3% of people are ready to buy your product or service.

7% are open to it but not quite there yet.

30% are not thinking about it.

30% don’t think they are interested, and the last 30% know they are not interested.

So your job is to influence the people that fall below the 3%.

We need to demonstrate empathy with the target market – understand their pain points and demonstrate that we understand their perspective.

We need to educate…put out content that helps them ahead of time, so you are front of mind when they are ready for your service.

And lastly we need to engage with them…where are they ? What’s the best way to get to know these people, and for them to get to know you?

So, how well are you influencing your future customers by using the Buyers Pyramid.

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