How well do you know your team?

How well do you understand your team and how they work together? A business is a collection of people. Even if you hire the best in the land, you’ve not got a team until you build it. That takes a bit of time and effort.

Understanding how people operate is really helpful. Some people will be more task focussed, some will be more people focussed. 

Some will be more outgoing, some more reserved.

This relates to DISC, a behavioural profiling tool used by coaches to deter the different styles and approaches in the workplaces some people will inherently take.

Identifying their natural styles and understanding both how they might compliment each other is very important to know about your team, and indeed where there are likely to be clashes is really helpful.

We use DISC to do this with all clients. One of my favourite things to do is plot a whole team on one page – you get a really clear visual of where peoples preferred styles are..and this then gives us insightful data to start working with the team on.

So think about the team you are in, or apart of. How well do you understand each other? It really can help to improve both individual and team performance when you lift the lid on this.

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