I see a lot of business owners hesitant to take on new people, to hire.

So can i afford another hire? And I get it. It’s a big commitment financially to hire – and it can feel like a burden or pressure having the responsibility of paying a salary.

I’ve also heard people talking about the fear of taking people on, “What if the work isn’t there?”

There was a case like this recently, the business owner was clearly really busy, but was questioning if there was enough work for another head. Once we had modelled out the cost of the salary and benefits and worked out how much time it would free up for the business owner- it was a much easier decision to make.

 The question to the business owner was simply, “With all the time back – what extra revenue do you think you could bring in?”

Seeing it on paper with some thought put into some planning and ‘what if’ scenarios made the decision much easier. They now have not one, but two new hires! They just needed to back themselves to win.

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