Generating leads is a constant process. If you have a referral only business- then great. Good on you. However, most businesses rely on some higher levels of activity to get leads.

This needs to be on a consistent regular basis. What I’ve noticed with some businesses is that getting leads can be a bit… sporadic.

Often that’s because they don’t have the discipline around recording exactly what the input is. Let’s say networking is one of your lead generation strategies. Are you intentional about how many networking meetings you are going to? How many people you want to engage with on a weekly basis? Have a checklist. Write it down, monitor how good you are at doing what you said you would do.

Or maybe its social channels. How often are you going to post? Get specific which days, what time? Is it video content or written content? Set yourself a target of what your activity level is and monitor it.

Over time, you will start to see patterns. You will see if you are achieving the activity levels you set for yourself and will be able to see what activities are bringing in the most leads.

Then you can course-correct and adjust your efforts to what’s bringing in most business. 

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