Team communication can be a minefield. There are lots of ways we can improve it to make your team communicate better, one of my favourites being DISC.

DISC is a behavioural profiling tool which is used for a variety of purposes. DISC helps individuals and teams to understand their behaviour better both by analysing themselves – and if done in a team environment – allowing teams to work together to understand each other’s styles and why they might act in the way they do. I tend to start all coaching clients by completing a DISC profile. It helps me understand their learning style and how to get alongside them quicker.

It’s really useful for people to reflect on their style – there is no best or worst style – and this is certainly not about putting people in a box. We all have a mix of different styles, which we can flex in any given situation. DISC helps us to understand what our natural styles are and importantly how we can use this to identify area’s which are easier for us. And similarly, those which we need to put more focus on. The best teams tend to be those who have a mix of all styles, or certainly the ability to flex into different styles when need be.

For example, certain styles are great at big picture thinking, creative, lots of ideas – but less strong at follow through, as its harder for them to go into a lot of detail or do repetitive tasks.DISC is great to use either for individual development, or to make your team communicate better. DISC can also be used to assist in recruitment, although I would only ever advocate it assisting a well-defined process – it shouldn’t be the process!

Your DISC profile is derived from answering a carefully designed set of questions, after answering these a report will be produced based on the answers you submitted. Its then beneficial to have a qualified DISC trainer to talk through the details with you.

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