Do you have a people and development plan for 2022? Our SME clients work on an annual plan for their people as well as their business – as it’s people that run the business. Not the other way round! Though sometimes it may feel that way! People and team development is essential. Yet most business owners don’t plan for it. Its a bit like buying an expensive car and not knowing how to drive it!

From DISC behavioural profiling – where individuals and teams start to understand more about how they behave, and what impact it has on others and customers, to vision and values sessions, strategy days to plan the year and beyond – right through to leadership and management coaching –  we have programmes to suit any size of organisation at any stage of growth – startup, stagnant, scaling up! People development and team development are ket enablers to optimise business success… and a robust team development plan is the cornerstone of this.

There is also now a big focus on remote leadership, management and resilience. Which we will need to get even better at in 2022! Get the behaviours right, and the results will follow. Focussing on mindset and how important thoughts are to our actions are paramount to success. What is it you say to yourself, about yourself when you are by yourself?

The reason we talk about people development rather than training, that it should be an ongoing process. Not a one-off training course. We know that this has little ongoing impact, the accountability and focus that comes with a continual development plan is where we see the little changes happening. Over time this morphs into larger changes.

What plans do you need to put in place to help your team to up-skill to hit your business goals?

Get in touch to find out what’s best for your team!

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