Often I see people in business who enjoy what they do, and that’s great. However if you have ambition to grow and scale you might have to give up some of the things you enjoy, or at least scale them back, to replace yourself.


For example, if you are a designer but want to build a design company, it may well be that at some point in time you need to replace yourself. Your job then becomes the one of building a team, and getting other designers to do great work.

And sometime delegating can be tricky… but it can be really rewarding when done well. Not only are you giving someone else the chance to step up, you a freeing up some of your time to spend working on the strategic stuff in business.

Getting your head around replacing yourself or rather the work you do can take a while to get used to. Yet once you do this and think about what structure needs to be in place in the business for it to operate without you needing to be there is a great mindset shift.

What could you give up or delegate to someone else in your team, to get a bit more time back?

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