Research shows that 68% of customers leave because of perceived indifference.

You may have a given them a product or service, which at the time they were happy with. But then … silence. You don’t keep in touch.

You are not continuing to show them that you care about them, that their ongoing business matters to you. 

What a waste, when we know all the time and energy it can take to get a new customer. It’s at least 5 times more effort to get a new one than to retain an existing one.

We need to make them feel as if they are important – because they ARE. But we need to show it, we need to find ways for them to feel connected- part of your gang. We want to surprise and delight them by really caring about them… so show it!

That way not only will they stay, but they are more likely to refer people to you. All because you went out of your ways to define a customer experience that wows.

If I was to ask your customers to rate their experience out of 10…what do you think your score would be?

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